Shooting My Life's Script (2024)


Everything changes in Fani's life when the opportunity arises to do an exchange program and live in another country for a year. The revealing conversations by phone or MSN and the constant notes during the class turn to another subject: the upcoming trip.


João Otávio (Pai de Fani)
Cristiana (Mãe de Fani)
Prof. Marquinhos
Irmã Maculada
Alice (Esposa de Marquinho)
Professora de Matemática
Érica (Amiga de Vanessa)
Laura (Amiga de Vanessa)
Diretora Clarice
Mãe de Léo
Irmão de Léo
Pai de Natália
Pai de Gabi
Mãe de Gabi
Atendente do Aeroporto/Moradora do Prédio
Morador do Prédio
Filha dos Moradores


Art Direction
Director of Photography
Music Producer
Casting Producer
Casting Producer
Production Director
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Second Assistant Director
Third Assistant Director
Third Assistant Director
Makeup Artist
Music Director
Sound Designer
Sound Mixer
Sound Editor