Westender (2004)

Science Fiction

Set in a fictional medieval world, this is the story of Asbrey of Westender. Once a great heroic knight, he has mysteriously fallen from grace. One night he drunkenly bets and loses his ring, his last possession of worth. He then embarks on a mission to regain his ring and, in due course, confront the demons of his past.


Asbrey of Westender
Jarlishan Boy
Jarlishan Slave Trader
Jarlishan Slave Trader
Tavern Officer
Tavern Officer
The Frozen Knight
The Old Man
Dying Soldier
Chanting Soldier
The Voice of the King
Jarlishan Slaver
Medieval Fighter
Armored fighter
Angry Soldier
Slave Girl
Slave Girl
Jarlishan Mother
Jarlishan Girl
