A Remote Village (1950)


In 1947, the Northeastern People's Liberation Army won a major victory in fierce fighting. In need of work, Molong Wang and his wife Juan Zhang were sent to work in Taohuachuan, a remote and difficult new area. As soon as he arrived in the district, Molong Wang and district official Chenzhong Liang went to the village and saw the fields dry up. The dam needed to be urgently repaired. The daughter of the village kulak Xumei Sun and the Kuomintang agent Jiantou Li conspired to provoke a series of problems to undermine the unity of the two villages in order to crack down on the new head of the district, Molong Wang...


Molong Wang
Juan Zhang
Erhu Qin
Yongyuan Xie
Xiumei Sun
Chengzhong Liang
Batian Dong
Oldman Jue
Mazi Guan
Eastern village chief
Women's federation director
Gengquan Wang
Shouzhang Ma
West village chief
Zhangtou Lao
Zhuxi Sheng
Commissar Zhang


Director of Photography
Production Design