The Sun Shines (1938)


The village is preparing for the celebration of Mihály Sámson's entry to the Vitéz Order. There's a great competition for roles in the amateur theatrical performance, and the choir is practicing. Two girls compete for the attention of Gyula Kopácsi, the railway traffic controller: Jolán, the postal clerk, and the pastor's daughter, Sárika. Jolán's mother spreads rumors during the rehearsal of the performance that Kopácsi has already proposed to her daughter, even though he's actually leaning towards Sárika. However, at the celebration, Sárika and Sámson notice each other...


Mihály Sámson
Gyula Kopácsi
Wife of the postmaster
Landowner Juhász
Grandmother of Sárika
Mari Szűcs


Director of Photography
Production Manager
Set Designer