Les Brigands (2022)


“Everyone steals according to one’s position in society.” A social critique, a credo to live by, and a recipe for the hilarious satire of Jacques Offenbach’s Les Brigands! The Opéra Comique’s rollicking 2011 production took full advantage of the talents of stage directors Macha Makeïeff and Jérôme Deschamps (members of the wildly successful French comedy troupe Les Deschiens) and the accomplished music director François-Xavier Roth.


Adolphe de Valladolid, un page
Princesse de Grenade
Zerlina, La Duchesse
Le Précepteur
Le Comte de Gloria Cassis
Le Baron de Campo Tasso
Le Prince (Duc de Mantoue)
Le Chef des carabiniers
Antonio, caissier du prince


Stage Director
Stage Director
Music Producer