Summer Residents (1967)


In the focus of the film is the fate of Varvara Basova, whose painfully soulless, philistine-gray existence, devoid of ideals and moral content. Relevant today, the picture sounds like a verdict to all who are mired in vulgarity, who have exchanged life for petty pleasures, profit, empty philosophizing.


Sergey Basov
Varvara Mikhailovna Basova
Maryia Lyvovna
Semyon Dvoyetochie
Nikolay Zamyslov
Maksim Zimin
Kaleriya Vasilyeva
Vlas Mikhaylovich
Pyotr Suslov
Yulia Filippovna
Kirill Dudakov - Doctor
Olga Dudakova
Yakov Shalimov
Pavel Ryumin
