A Second Spring (1980)


The front-line friends during the heavy battle swore to each other that the one who would survive would continue the work of the deceased. Mikhail Nesterov remained alive and the main business of his life was the search for a deposit of valuable clay. These searches began his friend before the war, in remote taiga places. Yevdokiya Perevalova — the widow of a deceased friend decides to help Nesterov get to those deaf places...


administrator in the collective farmer's house
Lida's mother
collective farmer-driver
Klavdiya Suchkova
Glasha's father
Glasha's mother
curious soldier woman
female driver
collective farmer
collective farmer (uncredited)
Yegor (uncredited)
old tractor driver (uncredited)
Silantyev (uncredited)
head of the geological laboratory
Ivan Gavrilovich
balalaika player


Director of Photography
Production Design
Production Design
Costume Design