We Are the Others (2017)


A man disappears. As nature always wants to fill the void, Frédéric Venne, Myriam Lambert and Robert Laplante will transform their lives to fill this emptiness. What is the motive of all this? Is it to fill their own existence? To what extent are we willing to transform our own existence to comply with other people's expectations? It is a thriller of the mind that questions us on how we follow our own path in life.


Myriam Lambert
Frédéric Venne
Réal Cousineau
Mère de Frédéric
Jean-Claude L'espérence
Femme de Martin
Acheteuse condo
Père de Frédéric
Carlos Ramirez
Connaissance femme opéra
Robert Laplante
Caissière théâtre
Candidat #2
Doublure Picard
Martin Venne
Fille Laplante
Serveur karaoke
Danielle Laplante
Connaissance homme opéra
Juge concours #1
Juge concours #2
Juge concours #3
Acheteur condo
Employé bureau
Coordonatrice auditions
Jacques Morin
Amant de Geneviève
Asiatique karaoke
Gérant hotel
Préposé morgue
Réceptionniste (hôtel)


Production Director
Scenic Artist