Silks and Saddles (1936)


College student Jimmy Shaw inherits a racehorse, named Lightning Lad, and sells stock to fellow students in order to obtain funds for racing the horse. Lightning Lad wins very race he is entered in. Marion Braddock, a spoiled rich girl who owns a racing stable offers to buy Lightning Lad, but Jimmy refuses to sell. The day of the big handicap-race arrives and Jimmy and his fellow stockholders are on their way to the track. But a group of gamblers, betting on Lightning Lad to lose, have some skullduggery plans to ensure Lightning Lad does not win the race.


Jimmy Shay
Marion Braddock / Jane Smith
Lightning Lad
Bottsie Botsworth
Aunt Agatha Braddock
Les Winters
T. Midge Connolly
Les Winters' Date


Director of Photography
Set Decoration
Production Manager