La dernière incarnation (2005)


Marc-André is a well-ordered bank accountant. One day a naked young woman, Mirah, emerges from a sort of egg out of nowhere. She has time travelled straight from the Mesopotamian to warn Marc-André that he is in grave danger, from actions performed in his life in that era. Along with his neighbour and two agents specializing in paranormal phenomena, Marc-André and Mirah attempt to avert the danger to his life.


Marc-André Létourneau
Fourbe Mésopotamie 1
Fourbe Mésopotamie 2
Femme line-up
Videur main
Urshanabi / Huwawa
Femme d'Urshanabi
Fille d'Urshanabi
Garde Mésopotamie 1
Garde Mésopotamie 2
intendant Mésopotamie
Serviteur Mésopotamie
Servante Mésopotamie
Servante Mésopotamie
Homme désert 1
Homme désert 2
Père nomade
Garçon nomade
Fille nomade
Homme en noir barbichette
Homme en noir albinos
