Wake up, you sucker... (1969)


The Tasia chasing the impostor Lepoura Vangelis arrives with hitchhiking in Athens. Gaining confidence wholesaler Kyriacou Bolore and taken to his house as a maid. The daughter of Kiriakos, Lia, presents the writer Phaedon Tramountana and asks him to finance the scenario. His son Lakis, wants to succeed in the profession of wholesaler and prefers to deal with the rock band. His sister Ismene has in mind only the deck.


Lefteris Tzoumaras
Mr. Hatziboulas
Mr. Papaxyngis
Mrs. Balaourtou
real estate agent
Lakis Baroles
Faidonas Tramountanas
Vangelis Lepouras
Lia Barole
night club owner
Filippas / Velerefontis Dekavalas


Still Photographer
Makeup Artist
Boom Operator
Assistant Director