Le temps de la désobéissance (2006)


In 1942, Edouard and Lucas are two childhood friends, both policemen in Nancy in different police stations. Soon the beautiful friendship between the two policemen will shatter with all the suffering and disappointment that implies.


Édouard Vigne
Lucas Barois
Madeleine Vigne
Yvette Vigne
Albert Vigne
le procureur Renaud
le préfet
le maire de Nancy
Schmuel Milgram
Rivka Milgram
le divisionnaire
colonel Roth
préfet Érignac
ambassadeur d'Israël
Alfred Meunier/Alfred Gallot
Marcel Renaud
fille Mme Wajman
Sammy Milgram
Charles de La Barre
Jeanette Barrois


Director of Photography