Zofia (1976)


Zofia is an elderly woman living in an retirement home. Separate from the rest, she talks seldom and then only about visiting her daughter's family for Christmas. When she comes to her daughter's home unannounced, her stay is spoiled by the damage to her son-in-law doctorate bookmarks which she removed unknowingly during dusting. She then spends Christmas in an empty restaurant, surrounded by waiters and musicians waiting to be tipped.


Dyrektor domu starców
pensjonariuszka domu starców
Artista wystejucapy dla strców
Kelner w mordowni
profesor ASP
Pensjonariusz domu starców
Robert, ziec Zofii
Pijaczek w mordowni
Pensjonariusz domu starców
Pensjonariuszka domu starców
Pensjonariuszka domu starców
Rezyser filmu Zofia
córka Zofii


Production Design
Art Direction
Costume Design
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Unit Production Manager
Unit Production Manager
Unit Production Manager
Production Manager
Assistant Director
Production Design
Production Design
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Assistant Costume Designer
Assistant Editor