Sibling Topics (Section A) (2009)

Science Fiction

Trecartin returns to his conception of family-as-business-enterprise, casting parent figures as managers and executives on one end of the spectrum, estranged children as freelancers on the other. The director plays four sisters named Ceader, Britt, Adobe and Deno, the boundaries of whom are indistinct. It is difficult to tell where one sister ends and the next begins. The sisters' questing—for identity, for romance, etc.—leads them on an episodic series of adventures, several of which are defined as "premises." A Trecartin premise plays out as a predetermined situation where the character initiating it has already set the tone, terms, and trajectory of the experience in their mind. The actual, lived event serves only as the shading-in of the outline.


Ceader / Britt / Adobe / Deno / Auto Ceader
Mass Major
Pre-Installed Crusty Bonus Track
Kip (rentaman)
Identity Tourist
?? > Baby > Jason / Auto Baby
Able / Able in SneakAPeak
Porn Foreign Peopled


Set Decoration
Set Designer
Production Assistant
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Camera Operator
Wardrobe Master
Makeup & Hair
Sound Designer