Grass Roots (1992)

TV Movie

This sequel to the 1983 miniseries, "Chiefs," continues the saga of the Lee family with Will Lee, an ambitious Georgia lawyer running for the U.S. Senate at the same time he is forced by a local judge to defend a young man in a murder trial. On top of this, he becomes the target of an assassin hired by a white-supremacist organization.


Kate Rule
Sen. Ben Carr
Charlene Joiner
Billy Lee
Elton Hunter
Jack Buchanan
Tommy Newman
Det. Sgt. Charlie Pittman
Gov. Mack Dean
Lisa Conroy
Deputy Bart
Roosevelt Watkins
Police Captain
Mrs. Billy Lee
Rev. Calhoun
Dr. Albright
Ernest Jenkins
Judge Boggs
Cora Mae Turner
TV Commentator
Marla Scott
Rookie Cop
Gen. Willoughby
Millie Buchanan
Police Sergeant
Police Officer
Arresting Cop
Court Bailiff
Harold Perkerson / Jason Ross
Capitol Policeman
Sheriff Cox
Det. Mickey Henderson
Jerry Lomax
Manny Pearl


Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Director of Photography
Production Design
Art Direction
Set Decoration
Costume Supervisor