Gangster Wars (1981)
TV Movie
The film tells the story of three teenagers, based on real life gangsters Charles "Lucky" Luciano (Michael Nouri), Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel (Joe Penny) and Michael Lasker (Brian Benben) (a fictional character who was most likely modeled after Meyer Lansky), growing up in New York's ghettos during the early 1900s to their rise though organized crime.
Charles "Lucky" Luciano
Michael Lasker
Joy Olser
Ruth Lasker
Officer Reardon
Vito Genovese
Thomas "Three Fingers Brown" Lucchese
Frank Costello
Mrs. Lasker
Stella Siegel
Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel
Giuseppe "Joe the Boss" Masseria
Al Capone
Arnold Rothstein
Salvatore Maranzano
Dutch Schultz
Legs Diamond
Chris Brennan