The First Citizen of a Small Town (1961)


The citizens of a small town find it difficult to depart from its center, which is to be demolished to build a new, a more functional one. The chairman of the municipality, the first citizen of this small town, supports the plan of female architect-designer, a pretty girl he fell for. But to make locals sure that he didn't approve the old center's demolition under her influence, the president begins to avoid the girl, who then marries another man. By carrying out the ritual wedding, the first citizen of a small town is left with his city all alone.


Miško Radić
Katarina Ilić
Miškova tetka
Miškova sekretarica
Gospođa Ivona
Direktor fabrike
Predsednik druge opštine
Miškov brat Nikola
Sudija za prekršaje
Milicioner Jablan
Stariji funkcioner
