Boris I - Part 1 - The Baptizing (1985)


The picture features the life and deeds of Boris I - strong historic personality, which completes his mission to the full and at the end of his life receives holy orders. Prince Boris I is ruling in the late 9th century. In his youth, he, the brilliant statesman and diplomat, is experiencing heavy defeats in the wars he wages against his neighbors. Nonetheless, he manages not to cede any territories to the enemies. Under his rule, Bulgaria breaks with paganism and joins the Christian community, paying an exorbitant price, a heavy death toll, but there is no other way. The adoption of Christianity in 864 was a historical event of great significance. It guaranteed Boris I much need peace with the Eastern Roman Empire and allowed him to merge the numerous tribes inhabiting the country into a unified nationality and later to found a state. Boris I introduced the Slav script, thus turning Bulgaria into the cradle of Slav culture.


Sobeslava, zhena na Doks
Gratzki episkop
Gratzki duhovnik
Deansha-Mariya, Zhena Na Boris
Veleslava, nalozhnitza na Boris
Evstati Umarov, kupetz
Stareyshinata ha kuptzite
Mladoto duhovniche ot Drastar
Komit Vladislav
Velik boil Hunol
Velik boil Sondoke
Velik boil Eshach
Velik boil Stasis
Velik boil Cheslav
Zhenata na ribarya
Dashteryata na ribarya
Vanshen boil
Vanshen boil
Vanshen boil
Vanshen boil
Vanshen boil
Velik boil Zergovilya
Alemanski poslanetz
Saratzinski poslanetz
Klirche ot Ohrid
Nachalonikat na ohrannitzite
Slavyanskiyat stareyshina
Raneniyat stotnik
Kliment Ohridski
Gavril, sin na Boris
