The Charm of La Bohème (1937)


René and his two artist friends lead a meager but careless life in a Parisian small apartment, their main worry being to avoid the housekeeper. Whenever they get some money they call more friends in and celebrate. This is how he meets beautiful but fragile Denise, who wants to be a singer as himself, and they fall in love. Yet when she finds out her real condition she takes a drastic decision which will determine their fates. La Bohème arias, and more.


René Lambertain
Denise Vernier
Frau Barbouche
Inspizient der Oper
Charles Fouqué, Operndirektor
Arzt von Denise
Pierre Casale
Aristide Boupon
André Dupré
Didier Blanchon
Professor Delumat
Lolotte Diridon
Francois Vernier
Octave de Croisson (as Carl Günther)


Director of Photography
Production Design