Land Ho! (2014)


Martha Stephens and Aaron Katz's buddy comedy Land Ho! follows former brothers-in-law Mitch (Earl Lynn Nelson) and Colin (Paul Eenhoorn) as they travel through Iceland. The pair of 70-year-olds find themselves in need of an adventure to break out of their rut, and soon the extroverted Mitch has talked Colin into the trip. Along the way they have various amorous encounters, and attempt to recapture the spirit of their youth.


le serveur Dill
le couple en lune de miel
le couple en lune de miel
les filles en bikini
les filles en bikini
Glow Stick Guy
l'employé de la location de voitures
la serveuse du restaurant de l'hôtel
le maître d'hôtel Dill


Director of Photography
Original Music Composer
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Executive Producer
Sound Mixer
Co-Executive Producer
Co-Executive Producer