Life Ahead (1958)


Finished their careers of Law and Medicine, respectively, Antonio Redondo and Josefina Castro, a pair of young Spanish newlyweds, are looking for work to buy an apartment and start a life together, but they will face enormous difficulties throughout the process.


Josefina Castro
Rosa Sanchidrián
Doña Encarna - tendera
Pedro - conserje
Don Eusebio - médico
Vecino entrometido
Testigo accidente
Arcadio Ibarrola
Abuela de Josefina
Señora en autobús urbano
Paciente 'Sra. de Téllez'
Agente del autocar
Señor en bar
Camilo - conductor de la camioneta
Padre de Josefina
Isabel Adrados
Manolo Estévez
Sr. Carvajal
Copiloto de la camioneta
Don Anselmo Revenga Gorostiza
Madre de Josefina


Director of Photography
Makeup Artist
Makeup Artist
Production Manager