The Red Rose (1951)


The Jacques Brothers, their temporary replacements, Yves Gérard and his troupe, as well as a famous movie star looking for a new partner, Evelyne Dorsey, are causing disruption at the "La Rose rouge" cabaret, the most famous cellar in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, to the delight of regulars.


'Les frères Jacques' #1
'Les frères Jacques' #2
Claire Claris, photographer
Mr. Matignon, Evelyne's producer
Mr. Guillet, from Yves's troupe
Man at the bar
Mr. Garone, from Yves's troupe
Cloakroom lady
Tourist guide
Tourist photographer
Director of “La Rose Rouge”
'Les frères Jacques' #3
Man from Yves's troupe
Man from Yves's troupe
Self (uncredited)
Self (uncredited)
'Les frères Jacques' #4
Poet who eats glasses
Albert, artistic director
Evelyne Dorsey, movie star
Martine, from Yves's troupe
Yves Gérard
Jean Maréchal, filmmaker
