Maimed (1951)


In "Skadeskutt" we follow the couple Einar and Else Wang in a painful drama about love, happiness, sorrow and eternal damnation. About a couple's struggle trying to get pregnant and the despair of not succeeding. About psychological disorders and the society's insane judging of people with such problems. A nationwide press was impressed with "Skadeskutt". The director Edith Carlmar, one of the first female directors in Norway, was compared with Hitchcock for her work. For actor Carsten Winger, his portrayal of the character in the movie was considered a victory and a big achievement. "A sure success", "Impressive" and "A victory for Norwegian Films" are some lines from the critics. "Skadeskutt" is one of the breakthroughs within Norwegian film making.


Else Wang
Fru Aasen, pasient
Direktøren for boligbygg
Wangs kontordame
Enger, doctor
Andersen, pasient
Nordlie, ingeniør
Elses mor
Holst, ingeniør
Aud, sykesøster
Barnepiken, pasient
Karlsen, pleier
Sandberg, pasient
Frk. Brun, pasient
En arbeider
Rolf Lunde, doctor
Overlegen på 6 avd
Reservelegen på 6 avd
Liv, sykesøster


Camera Operator
Director of Photography