Fatty and Mabel at the San Diego Exposition (1915)


Fatty and Mabel go to the San Diego Exposition.


Parade Official / Rolling Chair Operator / Cop at Fountain (uncredited)
1st-&-3rd Crowd Participant (uncredited)
3ird Crowd Participant Behind Fence (uncredited)
1st Street Crowd Participant (uncredited)
1st Street Crowd Participant (uncredited)
Chaplin Impersonator (uncredited)
Flirty Guy in Go-Cart (uncredited)
1st Street Crowd Participant (uncredited)
Jealous Husband (uncredited)
Woman Behind Rope in 2nd Crowd (uncredited)
Jealous Husband's Wife (uncredited)
3rd Crowd Participant Behind Fence (uncredited)
Hula Show Audience Member (uncredited)
Hula Show Audience Member (uncredited)
