The Great Water (2004)


An ailing communist reflects on a young boy childhood in Stalinist Yugoslavia.


Lem Nikodinoski kako dete
Medicinskiot brat
Prvi telohranitel
Vtori telohranitel
1st Nurse
Hospital Manager
Military Doctor
Chief Nurse
Corporal (The Angry Girl)
Olivera Srezoska
Corporal Announcer
Corporal (The Fat One)
Corporal (The Glassy One)
Corporal (the red hair girl)
Corporal (the black hair girl)
1st Councelor
2nd Counselor
1st Teacher
The Bellman
Vojnikot na Crveniot krst
Peasant (with the cart)
Ruskiot heroj
Hero's Suite
1st Investigator
2nd Investigator
Ženata na Ariton
Investigator's Chief
Investigator's Secretary
Military Officer (at the investigation)
2nd Comrade
Policewoman at the desk
Narrator in English version (voice)
Stariot Lem Nikodinovski / Narrator (voice)
Metodija Griškoski
Nastavnikot na geografija
Nastavnikot na fizičko


Associate Producer
Supervising Producer
Director of Photography